Below is my list of my favorite films of 2010. The list is all over the place (reflecting my diverse taste in films). Unfortunately, I didn’t really watch any Chinese films this year that caught my fancy.
My guess for which film will get Best Picture at the Oscars tonight? “Black Swan”
I know a lot of people are pulling for “The Social Network” to win, but in my estimation, the subject matter is not very appealing to the aging Academy voters (don’t forget, 50%+ are over the age of 60). On the other hand, I can also imagine “The King’s Speech” and “Black Swan” splitting the older voter’s vote and “The Social Network” being the choice of the younger voters. Also, “The King’s Speech” won the PGA Award which is a pretty predictable indicator of who will win the Oscars. Okay, I admit, I really don’t know who is going to win.
Nonetheless, take a moment and glance at my personal list of favorites:
- [amazon_link id=”B0036TGTDO” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Blue Valentine (Tomatometer: 88%): It’s a pity that this small, but beautifully acted, shot, directed, and edited film didn’t get more acclaim. It’s a simple film chronicling the travails of a relationship, but done in such a novel and well-acted way.
- [amazon_link id=”B0042KZJIM” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Restrepo (Tomatometer: 96%): More gripping and moving than any action film this year. This documentary following the peril of a U.S. army battalion in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley is a must-see.
- [amazon_link id=”B0041KKYEW” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Black Swan (Tomatometer: 88%): I loved The Wrestler, but more for Mickey Rourke’s acting than for any directorial skill. I feel like Arronfsky has finally achieved the directorial promise that he had shown, but not fulfilled in his prior films.
- [amazon_link id=”B00275EHJQ” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Toy Story 3 (Tomatometer: 99%)
- [amazon_link id=”B003L20ICO” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] The Kids Are All Right (Tomatometer: 94%)
- [amazon_link id=”B002ZG981E” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Inception (Tomatometer: 86%)
- [amazon_link id=”B0034G4P7Q” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] The Social Network (Tomatometer: 96%)
- [amazon_link id=”B003UESJHY” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] The Fighter (Tomatometer: 90%)
- [amazon_link id=”B003UESJFG” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] Megamind (Tomatometer: 72%)
- [amazon_link id=”B002ZG99NG” target=”_blank” ]
[/amazon_link] The Town (Tomatometer: 94%)
Still need to see: Winter’s Bone (Tomatometer: 95%), Biutiful (Tomatometer: 66%), Rabbit Hole (Tomatometer: 86%), Exit Through the Gift Shop (Tomatometer: 98%), Daddy Longlegs (Tomatometer: 86%)
My picks for:
Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
Best Leading Actor: Ryan Gosling, Blue Valentine (but I’d really vote for Christian Bale in The Fighter)
Best Leading Actress: (Tie) Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right; Michelle Williams, Blue Valentine
Best Cinematography: Matthew Libatique, Black Swan